What happens to the Moulted shells in shrimp pond?
Hello everyone: Today we will see some intresting topic. Anyone think about this? What happens to the Moulted shells and what reaction happens inside the shrimp pond. Some interesting things happens.... Come on lets jump into the topic...... Exoskeleton : Shrimp is a crustacean which have exoskeleton for an protective cover of the body. It gives protection to the shrimp from disease and predations etc.. Shrimp have a moulting cycle. It occurs on the interval based on the body weight of the Shrimp. In early stages moulting happens daily . Composition : The exoskeleton of the shrimp mainly consist of chitin and minerals. Chitin is a aminosugar compound(modified polysaccharide) which means it majorly contains carbohydrates and some nitrogen compounds . Many of people thinks , chitin is a protein but it is not right. The major minerals present in the shell is calcium, phosphorous and also sodium, zinc , carbonates also present in the s...