
Showing posts with the label minerals requirements in shrimp. penaeus vannamei minerals supplementation.

Minerals nutrition in shrimp - Important facts.

Hello all!!  Hope you are doing well. This is Dhivagar and today we are going to see the overview on mineral nutrition in Penaeus vannamei.  Why it's needed?  Intensification is changing the scenario and minerals supplementation is must needed one. When you are doing culture in extensive system, there is no need for minerals supplementation, Hence Intensification changing the scenario in aquaculture.  What is essential?  Statement from Frieden - An element is considered essential when a deficient intake produces an impairment of function and when restoration of physiological levels of the element prevents or releives the deficiency.  Minerals requirements of aquatic animals are depends on the environment in which they live. Penaeid shrimp are euryhaline species which can tolerate wide range of salinity.  Research states, There is no difference in growth and survival when Penaeus vannamei reared in low to higher salinity.  But, the only matter is ...