
Showing posts from February, 2025

Introduction about the Role of Lux-s gene in Quorum sensing.

Hello all, Today we are going to see the topic related to quorum sensing and the function of Lux-s genes in regulating cell multiplication and virulence. The world aquaculture industry is facing a lot of struggles in treating diseases. Increased antimicrobial resistance on one side and decreased recovery on another side. In this topic we will discuss the overview about Lux-s genes and its roles in quorum sensing. We all know that, A. hydrophila is a prevalent and opportunistic pathogen of aquatic organisms, including fish, shrimp, and prawns. Furthermore, A. hydrophila also causes severe diseases in humans, including gastrointestinal illnesses, septicemia, and cellulitis. In several bacterial species, gene expression is controlled by the secretion, detection, and production of extracellular signaling molecules (AI-2) that accumulate in environments in proportion to cell densities of signal molecule-producing cells. This phenomenon is commonly referred to as ‘quorum s...