Importance of minerals during moulting of shrimp.
Hello everyone: Today we will see about importance of minerals during moulting of shrimp. What is moulting and why it happens: Moulting is nothing but a process which related to growth of the shrimp. In this process old exoskeleton is removed(ecdysis) and new exoskeleton will be formed. If moulting occurs means,it refers to the body size of the shrimp increases,(some moulting occurs due to osmotic shock or any other changes happened in water quality, these type does not increases the body size). Moulting - body size increases Different stages in moulting: Premoult - It is divided into some substages like D,D1,D2,D3,and D4. Premoulting is the stage , this stage denotes that shrimp is preparing for the moulting process. In premoulting large amount of nutrient reserve is accumulated in the body. This energy used for moulting process. D,D1 - Moulting hormones are produces for induce th...