
Showing posts from November, 2021

Importance of minerals during moulting of shrimp.

Hello everyone:     Today we will see about importance of minerals during moulting of shrimp. What is moulting and why it happens:        Moulting is nothing but a process which related to growth of the shrimp. In this process old exoskeleton is removed(ecdysis) and new exoskeleton will be formed. If moulting occurs means,it refers to the body size of the shrimp increases,(some moulting occurs due to osmotic shock or any other changes happened in water quality, these type does not increases the body size).               Moulting - body size increases Different stages in moulting: Premoult - It is divided into some substages like D,D1,D2,D3,and D4. Premoulting is the stage , this stage denotes that shrimp is preparing for the moulting process. In premoulting large amount of nutrient reserve is accumulated in the body. This energy used for moulting process.  D,D1 - Moulting hormones are produces for induce th...

Importance of temperature in metabolism of shrimp.

Hello everyone: Today we will see about how temperature affects the body metabolism .  Why food is so important?      You all are know that every organism needs energy for their activities such as movements, muscle activity, chemical processes, biological processes which takes place inside of the animal. For this daily activity shrimp get energy mainly from the food with the various composition of protein, carbohydrates, lipids.    Energy also used to maintain the body fluids in equilibrium condition. For these all process, food supplies the energy.        Shrimp is an cold blooded animal. It's body temperature depends on the surrounding environment. If the temperature in surrounding increases, it will increase the metabolic rate of the body. If the temperature in surrounding decrease , it will decrease the metabolic rate of the body. So, we have to maintain optimum temperature for the better growth.       Metabolism : ...

Important role of aerobic, anaerobic bacteria and probiotics in shrimp culture.

Hello everyone:    Today we will see the important role of bacteria to maintain ecological functions of pond and also important role of probiotics in Aquaculture especially in shrimp .    Nowadays probiotics is an important thing which is very useful for the growth of the organism and also plays important role in the immune system .     Shrimp is an crustacean which acquires Non specific immunity or innate immunity. It cannot produce antibodies against specific viral pathogens because of its nature of defence. Shrimp is also an ectothermic animal. So we must take care of our shrimp through entire days of culture.          Most of the probiotics are not directly applied into the pond(based on companies it may differ). Before the application we have to activate the beneficial bacteria which is present as a probiotic. We can activate by fermentation , it may be aerobic or anaerobic fermentation based on microorganism. In this...

Importance of biosecurity in shrimp farming.

Hello everyone:    In this blog we will see the importance of biosecurity in shrimp farming. Nowadays shrimp farming have enormous growth in aquaculture. After introduction of SPF seeds. But some of the farmers does not follow proper biosecurity measures in their farm . This leads to easy transmission of various diseases. White spot is major threatening to the shrimps but now additionally white faecal disease. If we maintain good biosecurity measures,we can achieve good culture. Possibilities of transmission of disease . There are some ways the disease can spread.   *Horizontal transmission.   *Vertical transmission. In horizontal transmission the disease spread from one pond to another. There are many vectors carrying disease by this transmission. Precautions :  The pond must be fenced to prevent the entry of birds and crabs .   Snakes, Turtles, dogs and crabs  are very dangerous because they can move from one pond to another easily , there is lot of ...

Important of azolla in aquaculture

 Hlo everyone;        I am P.Dhivagar completed Bachelor of fisheries science. Now I working as a Technical executive. Today I am going to share about important of azolla in aquaculture. Azolla :    It is a floating aquatic weed having high amount of crude protein upto 25% in dry weight based on environment it may changes.    It has special capacity of fixing atmospheric nitrogen with the help of blue green algae Anabena azollae.     Due it's nutrient availability it is used as feed for fish, poultry, pigs and cattles. We can reduce the feed cost by using azolla as a supplement feed.    6 different species available around the world. In India Azolla pinnata is widely spreaded. Experiments :    Different researches conducted on developing azolla meal as a substitute for fish meal. Is it possible?      Yes,i is possible.   Some of the researches told we can use 15% of azolla meal as a subst...