How fermentation helps on proliferation of beneficial bacteria in shrimp farming?
Hello everyone: Today we will see about the use of fermented probiotics application in shrimp farming. I already posted in my blog about aerobic, anaerobic bacteria uses in shrimp pond and definition about probiotics and it uses. Fermented probiotics application before stocking: If you are doing shrimp culture, then you definitely know about this fermented probiotics application in your pond. Different farmers uses different ingredients in the fermentation medium. Before that I tell about benefits of yeasts. Note: Prebiotics+ Probiotics = Synbiotics. If your applied the fermented probiotics with the help of prebiotics like ricebran then the final product called Synbiotics. We can't separately use prebiotic sources because some of them needs breakdown process through fermentation. We can't directly add probiotics because before adding we have to activate and proliferate the amount of beneficial b...