
Importance of yeast in aquaculture

Introduction about the Role of Lux-s gene in Quorum sensing.

Hello all, Today we are going to see the topic related to quorum sensing and the function of Lux-s genes in regulating cell multiplication and virulence. The world aquaculture industry is facing a lot of struggles in treating diseases. Increased antimicrobial resistance on one side and decreased recovery on another side. In this topic we will discuss the overview about Lux-s genes and its roles in quorum sensing. We all know that, A. hydrophila is a prevalent and opportunistic pathogen of aquatic organisms, including fish, shrimp, and prawns. Furthermore, A. hydrophila also causes severe diseases in humans, including gastrointestinal illnesses, septicemia, and cellulitis. In several bacterial species, gene expression is controlled by the secretion, detection, and production of extracellular signaling molecules (AI-2) that accumulate in environments in proportion to cell densities of signal molecule-producing cells. This phenomenon is commonly referred to as ‘quorum s...

Raceway series; Introduction and overview of Raceway aquaculture -1

Hello everyone,     Today, we see the importance of Raceway aquaculture system. A successful system for fish (specific to certain species). It is an underrated system and need more research and demonstration for warm water species too.  'Intensification' is the key criteria need to increase production per unit area in aquaculture. To achieve higher production, the system must be improved in terms of efficiency.  Top factors need to be considered for designing system,  1. Carrying capacity 2. Water quality and water availability 3. Species 4. Feed 5. Market availability In general, Raceway aquaculture system works based on the input of water flow. It is clear that, production is highly depend on the water input and flow. The flowing water effectively removes all the metabolic wastes from the tank and discharge on the other end.  These systems built by different sizes and dimesions. The most common design is rectangle. The length of the system must not b...

Possible routes for the transmission of disease in shrimp.

Hello everyone!  Today we are going to see the possible routes for the transmission of disease in shrimp.  As world population grows, there is increases in protein demand. People finds ways to produce protein food. In that case, Aquaculture serving as a perfect platform for producing protein by the means of culturing aquatic organism.  On one side, there is a development of broodstock, genetic lines, intensification of culture system, functional feeds and supplements. On the other hand, disease caused by bacteria and virus are threatening the industry.  Vibrio species are the important pathogens that causes loss to the global aquaculture industry. Whatever we made to control Pathogenicity, it's not upto the mark. In this blog, we are going to look the details about different routes of entry in shrimp.  In general, we are thinking that, environmental contamination is the main route for transmission of disease from one shrimp to another. But it certainly not. The...

Minerals nutrition in shrimp - Important facts.

Hello all!!  Hope you are doing well. This is Dhivagar and today we are going to see the overview on mineral nutrition in Penaeus vannamei.  Why it's needed?  Intensification is changing the scenario and minerals supplementation is must needed one. When you are doing culture in extensive system, there is no need for minerals supplementation, Hence Intensification changing the scenario in aquaculture.  What is essential?  Statement from Frieden - An element is considered essential when a deficient intake produces an impairment of function and when restoration of physiological levels of the element prevents or releives the deficiency.  Minerals requirements of aquatic animals are depends on the environment in which they live. Penaeid shrimp are euryhaline species which can tolerate wide range of salinity.  Research states, There is no difference in growth and survival when Penaeus vannamei reared in low to higher salinity.  But, the only matter is ...

Bioremediation in aquaculture.

Dear all,  Hope you all doing well!!! It's been a long gap..  Anyway we will start and share again..  Today we will going to discuss about the important process called bioremediation.  It is the attempt being made to increase the quality of water in aquatic environment. The main role are played by probiotics and enzymes during bioremediation.  Probiotics is a biological disease Control, particularly using microbiological modulator for disease prevention and received excellent response worldwide.  Probiotic bacteria competitively exclude the pathogenic bacteria or produce substance that inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria in a aquatic environment.  It also provides essential nutrients and digestive enzymes to increase the overall health of an aquatic animal.  It also degrade  or decompose the organic matter or other toxic material in the water and improving the quality of water Probiotics can decompose the fecal and other excreta of fish...

Views and perspectives on managing and optimizing cost in shrimp farming.

Hello everyone:        This is Dhivagar, Today we going to discuss about an important thing that every farmer must need to know.  Reports :       Global reports shows reduction in global shrimp production especially from Asian countries. Till now we are facing the price issues.       Cost of production exceeds the output cost.  Here we gonna discuss about some interesting points.  We have to analyze the various reasons to find solution.  For the last few days some of the common questions arises on every aquaculturist mind is, why the price is low?  Is other countries production affects the price in India?  Here some of the things, we need to consider..  1. Farm technology.  2. Genetic improvement.  3. Automations ( feeding....)  4. Expanding international markets.  5. Advancement in thinking and cooperation.  Tell the thing, how much you have adopted to your farm from the a...

Is high alkaline water affects growth of shrimp?

Hello everyone:     It's been a long gap. Hope everyone will find this. Hereafter we will go with frequent posts. I am happy today and wanna share few things regards high alkaline water.  Issues in Inland region:       In India, most of the farming areas are found between low to medium saline water. In inland low saline areas, farmers are facing high alkalinity in their bore water(source water). Due to contamination and pollution we can't able to use the water from creek alone. To compensate this, we need to use bore water (to reduce operational costs also).  Alkalinity and shrimp:       Alkalinity is an complicated thing which available in different forms in aquatic system.        Hopefully, several results shows that, higher alkalinity didn't affect the growth and survival of shrimp.       In biofloc system, alkalinity plays a major role. For the formation of floc and decomposition of total ammon...